Call for Applications: Basic Underwater Archaeology Course 2021

(Deadline: 20th July 2021)
1. Introduction
The International Centre for Underwater Archaeology Zadar (ICUA) is organizing a 2-week Basic underwater archaeology course that will take place in Zadar region, Croatia from 30th August to 10th September 2021.
The course will consist of theoretical and practical (hands on) instructions in underwater documentation and archaeological excavation. The main aim of the course is to allow the participants to acquire the best possible knowledge of basic underwater archaeology research techniques.
The course is organized with the financial support of the Ministry of culture and media of the Republic of Croatia. Practical organization is coordinated by ICUA and other guest lectures. Theoretical lessons during the first week will be held in ICUA premises and/or on the premises of ZADAR SUB Ltd, while practical instruction will take place in the vicinity of Zadar. During the second week, theoretical and practical part of the course will be held in the small village of Brbinj on Dugi Otok Island in the frame of archaeological researches on the post medieval ballast pile site Pod Narat. The basic archaeology course will be complemented by courses in diving specialties according to the requirements of the SSI system.
2. Participants
The maximum number of trainees will be limited to 4 participants. The decision on the selection of candidates will be made with respect to gender, age, national and racial diversity.
Expected profile of participants: archaeologists (including researchers, or university students enrolled in study courses for 2nd level degrees) with some diving experience, as well as experts in different disciplines (conservators, geologists, marine biologists, etc) who are interested in developing multidisciplinary skills and participating in underwater archaeology researches.
Language skills: participants must be proficient in the English language, since English will be official language of the course.
3. Tentative Programme
Monday 30.08. | Tuesday 31.08. | Wednesday 01.09. | Thursday 02.09. | Friday 03.09. | Saturday 04.09. | |
Pre-course morning activites | Welcome speech by the ICUA’s director and meeting with the Course - Introduction to course aims - Checking diving equipment | Lecture „ICUA Zadar – Mission, Organisation, and Recent activities“ - Visit to the ICUA premises | Lecture „Underwater archaeology in Croatia“ | x | x | x |
Lecture |
(Diving Course) Buoyancy / Orientation | (Diving Course) Buoyancy / Orientation | Lecture „Methodology of Underwater Archaeology -Intro“ | Lecture „Introduction to 2D underwater documentation“ | Lecture „Conservation and restoration of underwater finds“ | x |
Dry exercise | (Diving Course) Buoyancy / Orientation | (Diving Course) Buoyancy /Orientation | Briefing | 2D drawing documentation | Preparing housing - 2D documentation | Field trip (Nin/ Biograd) |
Underwater exercise | Check dive - (Diving Course) Buoyancy / Orientation | (Diving Course) Buoyancy / Orientation | Diving on archaeological site(s) in Zadar area | 2D drawing documentation | Taking Underwater Photos - 2D documentation | x |
Post-course | (Diving Course) Buoyancy / Orientation | (Diving Course) Buoyancy / Orientation | Writing a report (Field diary) | Writing a report (Field diary) | Writing a report (Field diary) | x |
Monday 06.09.2021. | Tuesday 07.09.2021. | Wednesday 08.09.2021. | Thursday 09.09.2021. | Friday 10.09.2021. | |
Pre-course morning agenda | Preparations for travel - Ferry to Dugi Otok Island | Briefing | Briefing | Briefing | Briefing |
Lecture | Lecture “Pod Narat site and similar sites in Adriatic” | Lecture „Methodology of Underwater Archaeology - ICUA experiences“ | Lecture “Organizing of archaeological excavation and publishing of the results” | Examination of finds | x |
Dry exercise | Site - Assembly of the grid frame | Packing and labelling of the finds - Search and survey methods | Basic operations with underwater pump - Photo documentation of the finds | Weighing finds and making finds list | Review |
Underwater exercise | Getting to know the site - Site positioning | Search and survey methods - Survey of Lučina Bay | Excavation using water pump and dredge | Excavation using water pump and dredge | Excavation using water pump and dredge |
Post-course afternoon activities | Writing a report (Field diary) | Writing a report (Field diary) | Writing a report (Field diary) | Writing a report (Field diary) | Checking diving equipment - Final Exam |
Programmed activities will include:
● Week one: The beginning of the course is aimed for participants with less diving experience or to ones who wish to advance in diving specialty. The course is conducted in English, according to SSI methodology. Participants will attend Buoyancy and Orientation course in order to prepare for the activities in the underwater archaeology field. Courses in theoretical and practical part will be led by SSI certified instructors. Participants completing any of these courses will receive an official SSI Certificate. Morning hours at the beginning of the week are reserved for getting to know the ICUA Zadar premises and employees followed by lecture on underwater cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia.
The second part of the week one will aim at introducing participants to the methods of documenting the site using different measuring techniques. Theoretical part of the course will be conducted at ICUA Zadar, and all the participants will visit some underwater archaeological sites in Zadar area to demonstrate buoyancy and orientation skills which will be documented with underwater cameras prepared by the course participants themselves.
● Week two: As in previous one, the theoretical part is reserved for morning hours and the briefing and lectures will be held in Brbinj (Dugi Otok). Practical part of the course will be at the archaeological site Pod Narat in Brbinj where post medieval ballast pile was found. Lectures will be conducted according to the ICUA programme for basic underwater archeology course. All participants will take part in archaeological excavations of the post-medieval site for on-site training, get basic insight of making documentation and deal with archaeological material for purpose of gaining practical experience in many other aspects regarding field work in underwater archaeology. Participants completing this course will receive the ICUA official certificate of successful course completion.
Underwater archaeology theoretical lectures are conducted in the morning hours. ICUA Zadar reserves the right to change the schedule in case of unforeseen circumstances:
Doris Kurtov: ICUA Zadar – Mission, Organisation, and Recent activities
Ivan Vidulić: Underwater archaeology in Croatia
Maja Kaleb: Methodology of Underwater Archaeology - Intro
Mladen Pešić: Introduction to 2D and 3D underwater documentation
Antonija Jozić: Conservation and restoration of underwater finds
Roko Surić: Pod Narat site and similar sites in Adriatic
Maja Kaleb: Methodology of Underwater Archaeology - ICUA experiences
Luka Bekić: Organizing of archaeological excavation and publishing of the results
Underwater archaeology course practical exercises which every participant has to learn are divided by the days:
- Orientation exercises: 180°, 120°, 90°
- Searching exercises
- Spot marking
- Underwater photo documentation of a trench and a site
- Methods of underwater 2D and documentation
- Use of water pump and hoses
- Underwater use of water dredge in a trench excavation
- Packing, labeling and transport of finds
After the course, participants are expected to be diving proficient and to have basic practical insight in underwater archaeological techniques.
4. Participation costs
There is no fee for the selected participants. During their stay in Zadar, ICUA will provide:
- Accommodation in ICUA’s dormitorie s during the first week and accommodation on Dugi Otok Island during the second week
- Weekly card for food costs up to 200,00 kn per participant
- Local transfers to the training sites
- Rented diving equipment (if they do not have their own)
- The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice and new issue of Submerged Heritage
- Insurance against injury
- SSI manual (optional)
- SSI Diving Certificates (optional)
- ICUA certificate of attendance and successful completion of the course
Selected applicants will not receive:
- reimbursement or contributions for their travel to/from Zadar
- any daily allowance or other forms of additional financial support during the course.
5. Requirements
- University education (minimum first-level degree) on archaeology or related fields
- Minimum Open Water Diver (OWD),CMAS* or an equivalent diving certificate
- Medical certificate ensuring fitness for diving
- At least 18 years of age
*Current professional affiliation to public institutions responsible for cultural heritage safeguarding will be considered as a plus
5. Requirements
- university education (minimum first-level degree) on archaeology or related fields
- minimum Open Water Diver (OWD),CMAS* or an equivalent diving certificate
- medical certificate ensuring fitness for diving
- at least 18 years of age
- professional experience in archaeology and/or management and preservation of underwater archaeological sites will be considered as a plus
- current professional affiliation to public institutions responsible for cultural heritage safeguarding will be considered as a plus
6. Selection Criteria
Applications will be assessed and selected based on the professional and educational profiles as presented in the application documents.
Priority will be given to applicants coming from public institutions (either at local or at central level) competent for the safeguarding and management of cultural heritage, and especially underwater cultural heritage whereas possible.
Applications with similar professional profiles will be enlisted based on the educational level.
Possible letters of support from parent institutions will also be considered as an added value.
In the selection, geographical balance will be sought and the selection of more than one applicant from the same country will be avoided as much as possible.
7. Application
Applicants should send to ICUA the following documents, no later than 20th July 2021, 12am:
- Curriculum Vitae (on Europass CV template)
- Scan of the diving card
- Scan of valid diving medical certificate ensuring fitness for diving
Participants will have to present diving insurance upon getting official information for acceptance to the course.
Applications and accompanying documentation (short CV, copy of diving certificate, copy of valid medical certificate ensuring fitness for diving) should be sent by e-mail to the attention of Ms. Maja Kaleb ( Deadline for submission of the documents is 20th July 2021. All applicants will be informed about acceptance by 23rd July 2021.
Due to the unpredictability and seriousness of the situation related to the COVID-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus, ICUA has the right to change schedule or to cancel the course. We will follow the general recommendations of the Croatian Institute of Public Health and act accordingly.