Call for Applications: Advanced Underwater Archaeology Course 2023 (Deadline: 14th September 2023)

1. Introduction
The International Centre for Underwater Archaeology Zadar (ICUA Zadar), category II centre under the auspices of UNESCO, is organizing a 2-week Advanced underwater archaeology course that will take place in Zadar region, Croatia from 2nd to 13th October 2023.
The course will consist of theoretical and practical (hands on) instructions in the field of underwater archaeology i.e., techniques of underwater archaeological excavation and documentation of underwater sites and finds. The course is aimed at archaeologists who have diving experience and some experience of practical underwater archaeology. It is designed to provide participants with advanced skills and training in underwater archaeology knowledge in project planning.
The course is organized with the financial support of the Ministry of culture and media of the Republic of Croatia. Practical organization is coordinated by ICUA Zadar and other guest lectures and associates. Theoretical lesson will be held in morning or evening hours, while practical instruction and excavation will take place around noon in the vicinity of Zadar. After successfully completing the exercises, the practical part related to the underwater archaeological site research will take place at the Barbir position in Sukošan. ICUA Zadar has been conducting underwater archaeological research at the Roman port in Sukošan for several years. During these investigations, remains of a breakwater, a pier, and a sensational discovery of a wooden ship construction have been found.
2. Participants
The maximum number of trainees will be limited to 4 participants.
Expected profile of participants: archaeologists (including researchers or university students enrolled in graduate level degrees) with diving experience who intend to qualify as members of underwater archaeological teams and participate in underwater archaeology researches.
Language skills: participants must be proficient in the English language, since English will be official language of the course.
3. Tentative Programme
Scheduled activities will include two weeks course on underwater archaeology. The theoretical part of the course will be held in ICUA Zadar premises whereas practical lessons will take place at the Roman port Barbir in Sukošan. Transportation to the field work will be organized by ICUA Zadar. Lectures will be conducted based on the ICUA Zadar course curriculum for underwater archaeology. As part of their on-site training, all participants will take part in archaeological excavation of the ancient shipwreck as members of a team, and will gain practical experience in working with different types of underwater surveillance technology. At the end of the course, participants who successfully complete all exercises and prove to be valuable members of the archaeological team will receive an official ICUA Zadar certificate of successful course completion.
Underwater archaeology theoretical lectures are conducted in the morning hours. ICUA Zadar reserves the right to change the schedule in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Mandatory practical exercises in underwater archaeology will be conducted on a daily basis on the following topics:
· Logistical organization of personal and team equipment
· Basic boat operations
· Use of water pump and hoses
· Underwater use of water dredge in a trench excavation
· Preparing housing for Underwater Camera and Underwater photographic documentation of a site, a trench and an archeological find
· Packing, labeling and transport of finds
· Underwater drawn documentation and post-processing of data
· Practical use of computer programme for documenting of the site
· Area survey with use of a boat mounted side scan sonar
Upon completing the course, trainees are expected to have acquired the necessary skills to work independently on any of the tasks covered by the programme.
(The exact schedule of lectures and practical exercises will be published subsequently.)
List of lecturers and title of lecture:
Doris Kurtov (ICUA): ICUA Zadar – Mission, organization, and recent activities
Mladen Pešić (ICUA): Excavation of Roman port at Sukošan
Zdenka Vrgoč (ICUA): In situ protection of underwater sites and finds
Roko Surić (ICUA): Photogrammetry and post processing of data
Maja Kaleb (ICUA): Methodology of Underwater Archaeology
Roman Scholz (RGK – DAI): 2D and 3D documentation on underwater cultural heritage
Luka Bekić (ICUA): Organizing of archaeological excavation and publishing of the results
Antonija Jozić (ICUA): Conservation of Underwater Archaeological Finds
Anita Jelić (ICUA): Re-conservation of the Condura Croatica—two late eleventh century early Croatian boats recovered at Nin
4. Participation costs
There is no fee for the selected participants. During their stay in Zadar, ICUA Zadar will provide:
- Accommodation in ICUA’s dormitory while staying in Zadar
- Weekly card for food costs up to 30 EUR per participant
- Local transfers to the training sites
- Diving equipment (if participants do not have their own)
- The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice and new issue of Submerged Heritage
- Insurance against injury
- ICUA Zadar certificate of attendance and successful completion of the course
- ICUA T-shirt & cap
Selected applicants will not receive:
- reimbursement or contributions for their travel to/from Zadar
- any daily allowance or other forms of additional financial support during the course.
5. Requirements
- University education (minimum first-level degree) on archaeology or related fields
- Minimum Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWD), CMAS** or an equivalent diving certificate
- Practical experience in underwater archaeology
- Medical certificate ensuring fitness for diving
- At least 18 years of age
*Current professional affiliation to public institutions responsible for cultural heritage safeguarding will be considered as a plus
6. Selection Criteria
Applications will be assessed and selected based on the professional and educational profiles as presented in the application documents.
Priority will be given to applicants coming from public institutions (either at local or at central level) competent for the safeguarding and management of cultural heritage, and especially underwater cultural heritage whereas possible.
Applications with similar professional profiles will be enlisted based on the educational level.
Possible letters of support from parent institutions will also be considered as an added value.
In the selection, geographical balance will be sought and the selection of more than one applicant from the same country will be avoided.
7. Application
Applicants should send to ICUA Zadar the following documents, no later than 14th September 2023:
- Curriculum Vitae (on Europass CV template!)
- Scan of the diving card
- Scan of valid diving medical certificate ensuring fitness for diving
Participants will have to present diving insurance upon getting official information for acceptance to the course.
Applications and accompanying documentation (CV, copy of diving certificate, copy of valid medical certificate ensuring fitness for diving) should be sent by e-mail to the attention of Ms. Maja Kaleb ( Deadline for submission of the documents is 14th September 2023. All applicants will be informed about acceptance by 15th September 2023.
Due to the unpredictability situations, ICUA Zadar reserve the right to change schedule or to cancel the course.