Publikacije - Knjige
# | ||
601 | Filipović, Slavica; Katavić, Vedran. OS - V - PF: rezultati arheoloških istraživanja vojarna - Poljoprivredni fakultet. Osijek,2006. | 953-6191-32-6 |
602 | Filipović, Slavica. Kasnoantička nekropola u Zmajevcu = A late antique necropolis in Zmajevac: Mocsolas. Osijek, 2010. | 978-953-6191-46-8 |
603 | Finis coronat opus: zbornik radova posvećen Mariji Buzov povodom 65. obljetnice života. Zagreb, 2016. | 978-953-6064-27-4 |
604 | Firatli, Nezih. Izmit sehri ve eski eserleri rehberi. Istanbul, 1970. | |
605 | Firth, Kylli. "Bound for South Australia" 19th century Van Diemen's Land whaling ships and entrepreneurs. Adelaide, 2006. | 1-920736-15-8 |
606 | Fish & Ships: production and commerce of salsamenta during Antiquity. 2014. | 978-2-87772-579-8 |
607 | Fisković, Igor. Secundum morem patriae: identitet crkava propovjedničkih redova u jadranskoj Hrvatskoj. Zagreb, 2016. | 978-953-6089-40-6 |
608 | Fitz, Jeno. The great age of Panonia ( A.D. 193-284). Budapest, 1982. | 963-13-1260-7 |
609 | Ford, Julia. WWII Aviation archaeology in Victoria, Australia. Adelaide, 2006. | 978-1-920736-17-0 |
610 | Forte, Maurizio; Francovich, Riccardo. Professione Archeologo. Milano, 1999. | 88-04-45153-X |
611 | Fortis, Alberto. Put po Dalmaciji. Zagreb, 1984. | |
612 | Fotografija Ante Vlahovića. Šibenik, 2000. | |
613 | Foy, Daniele. Les verres antiques d'Arles: la collection du musee departemental Arles antique. Paris, 2010. | 978-2-87772-417-3 |
614 | Fozzati, Luigi; Auriemma, Rita. Relitti: Che Fare? Archeologia subacquea del mare adriatico e del mare ionio. Italy, 2010. | 978-88-255-0696-9 |
615 | Fozzati, Luigi. Aquileia: patrimonio dell'umanita. Udine, 2010. | 978-88-7057-251-3 |
616 | Fragmenti: Sisak od prapovijesti do suvremenosti. Sisak. | |
617 | Frana, J.; Jiran, L.; Moucha, V.; Sankot, P. Artifacts of copper and copper alloys in prehistoric bohemia from the viewpoint of analyses of element composition II. Prague, 1997. | 80-86124-04-5 |
618 | Franceschelli, Carlotta; Marabini, Stefano. Lettura di un territorio sepolto: la pianura Lughese in eta Romana. Bologna, 2007. | 978-88-7849-027-7 |
619 | Franić, Tomislav. Colonia Iulia Pola Pallentia Herculanea: Mramorna ploča s nazivom kolonije Pule. Pula, 2019. | 978-953-8082-33-7 |
620 | Frantz, Alison. The church of the holy apostels. New Jersey, 1971 | |
621 | Fredholm, Mikael Side scan sonar undersokning vid Djurhamn, Djuro. Stockholm, 2010. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
622 | Fredholm, Mikael; Draeseke, Trevor. Utbyggnad av smabatshamnen i Vasterviken, Strangnas: sarskild arkeologisk utredning och arkeologisk forundersokning. Stockholm, 2012. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
623 | Fredholm, Mikael; Hansson, Jim. Spillvattenledning Ekero-Botkyrka: arkeologisk forstudie. Stockholm, 2012. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
624 | Fredholm, Mikael; Hansson, Jim. Vattenledning Vallentuna-Norrtalje: sarskild arkeologisk utredning. Stockholm, 2012. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
625 | Fredholm, Mikael; Olsson, Andreas. Boplatslamning i Stor-Laxsjon: sarskild arkeologisk utredning . Stockholm, 2011. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
626 | Fredholm, Mikael. En stockbat i sjon Skiren: arkeologisk besiktning. Stockholm, 2010. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
627 | Fredholm, Mikael. Gasledning genom Ostersjon. Stockholm, 2009. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
628 | Fredholm, Mikael. Palar i Nykopingsan: arkeologisk forundersokning infor renovering av strandskoning i Nykopingsan . Stockholm, 2010. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
629 | Fredholm, Mikael. Planerade muddringsarbeten i Valdemarsviken: arkeologisk utredning. Stockholm, 2012. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
630 | Fredholm, Mikael. Sjokabelforlaggning i Varsnasfjarden, Orno. Stockholm, 2010. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
631 | Fredholm, Mikael. Sjovattenledning mellan Vallentuna och Norrtalje: arkeologisk forstudie. Stockholm, 2010. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
632 | Fredholm, Mikael. Sonargranskning av likstromsforbindelse mellan Gotland och fastlandet: arkeologisk forstudie. Stockholm, 2012. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
633 | Fredholm, Mikael. Svindersviken - en vrakkyrkogard: arkeologisk forstudie. Stockholm, 2012. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
634 | Fredholm, Mikael. Utbyggnad av marina i Nabbviken Strangnas: sarskild arkeologisk utredning. Stockholm, 2013. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
635 | Fredholm, Mikael. VA-ledning Stromma-Stavsnas: arkeologisk forstudie. Stockholm, 2011. | ISSN 1654-4927 |
636 | Frere, Sheppard; Wilkes, John Joseph Strageath: excavations within the Roman fort, 1973-86. London, 1989. | 0-907764-11-8 |
637 | Freudenreich, Aleksandar. Građa za rječnik: naziva koje upotrebljaba narod kad gradi, uređuje i oprema svoj dom. Zagreb, 1972. | |
638 | Frielinghaus, Heide ; Schmidts, Thomas ; Tsamakda, Vasiliki. Schiffe und ihr Kontext. Darstellungen, Modelle, Bestandteile - von der Bronzezeit bis zum Ende des Byzantinischen Reiches. Mainz, 2017. | 978-3-88467-277-8 |
639 | Frka, Danijel; Mesić, Jasen. Blago Jadrana: ronilački vodič po olupinama hrvatskog Jadrana Rijeka, 2012. | 978-953-219-453-1 |
640 | Frolik, Jan; Musil, Jan. Katalog archeologickych nalezu z hradu košumberka. Dio 1. Praha, 2015. | 978-80-87365-87-8 |
641 | Frolik, Jan; Musil, Jan. Katalog archeologickych nalezu z hradu košumberka. Dio 2. Praha, 2016. | 978-80-87365-95-3 |
642 | From astronomy to Zanzibar: 10 years of Dutch support to world heritage. Paris,2012. | |
643 | Furholt, Martin; Szmyt, Marzena; Zastawny, Albert. The Baden Complex and the Outside World. Bonn, 2006. | 978-3-7749-3599-0 |
644 | Furholt, Martin. Die nordlichen Badener Keramikstile im Kontext des mitteleuropaischen Spatneolithikums (3650-2900 v. Chr.). Bonn, 2009. | 978-3-7749-3526-6 |
645 | Furlani, Ugo. Medea e il suo colle dalla preistoria alla romanita. Medea, 2000. | |
646 | Gabor, Tomka. 16. szazadi kalyhacsempek az onodi var asatasaibol. 2007. SEPARAT | |
647 | Gabričević, Branimir; Fisković, Cvito... Viški spomenici . Split, 1968. | |
648 | Gabrovec, Stane. Najstarejša zgodovina dolenjske. Novo mesto, 1956. | |
649 | Gainsford, Matthew P. Hamelin Bay Jetty. Adelaide, 2007. | 978-1-920736-28-6 |
650 | Gallien in der Spatantike: Von Kaiser Constantin zu Frankenkonig Childerich. Mainz, 1980. | 3-8053-0485-4 |
651 | Gambin, T. ; Hunt, A. P. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Aviation Archaeology and Heritage, Malta - November 2017. Santa Venera, 2020. | 978-99932-7-763-7 |
652 | Garam, Eva. Funde byzantinischer Herknuft in der Awarenzeit vom des 6. bis zum ende des 7. Jahrhundert. Budapest, 2001. | 963-9046-59-0 |
653 | Gaspari, Andrej. Deblak s konca 2. stoletja pr.n.št. iz Ljubljanice na vrhniki: študija o ladjah in čolnih predrimskega in rimskega Navporta z orisom plovbe na Ljubljanskem barju med prazgodovino in novim vekom = The late 2nd century B. C. logboat from the Ljubljanica river at Vrhnika : study on the ships and boats of Preroman and Roman nauportus with the outline of the navigation on the Ljubljana marshes between prehistory and the early modern period. Ljubljana, 2017. | 978-961-237-929-2 |
654 | Gaspari, Andrej. Emona: prazgodovinska in rimska: vodnik skozi arheološko preteklost predhodnice Ljubljane. Ljubljana, 2014. | 978-961-6509-37-4 |
655 | Gaspari, Andrej. Voda v rimski Emoni=Water in Roman Emona. Ljubljana, 2016. | 978-961-6509-50-3 |
656 | Gašaj, Darius; Huba, Ivan; Gancarski Jan; Brzezinski Wojciech. Miedzy Mykenami a Baltykiem = Between Mycenae and the Baltic Sea. Krosno-warszawa, 2002. | 86634-09-X |
657 | Gavranić, Antun. Podvodna fotografija1: priručnik za provođenje tečaja za ronilačku specijalnost. Zagreb, 2004. | 953-97198-7 |
658 | Gawrysiak-Leszczynska, Wieslawa. Jak rysowac zabytki archeologiczne: podstawowe zasady dokumentacji. Biskupin, 2003. | 83-7364-057-6 |
659 | Gay, Franco. Atti del Convegno sulle poliremi dell'antichita: Roma, 1°-2 dicembre 1989. Roma, 1990. | |
660 | Gdansk from the 16th to the 18th century - The life of a Port city: exibition guide. Gdansk, 2012. | 978-83-932986-2-4 |
661 | Gediga, Boguslaw; Laciak, Dagmara; Lydzba-Kopczynska, Barbara; Markiewicz, Malgorzata. Swiat kolorow garncarzy z rejonu Domaslawia sprzed okolo 2800 lat. Wroclaw, 2017. | 978-83-949882-0-3 |
662 | Geisler, Horst; Grebe, Klaus. Poztupimi - Potstamp - Potsdam : ergebnisse archaologischer Forschungen. Potsdam, 1993. | 3-910011-03-9 |
663 | Gelichi, Sauro; Sabbionesi, Lara. Bere e fumare ai confini dell'impero: caffe e tabacco a Stari Bar nel periodo ottomano. Firenze, 2014. | 978-88-7814-597-9 |
664 | Genito Gualandi, Maria Cristina. Musei, mostre e collezionismo negli scritti di Giorgio Gualandi. Bologna, 2004. | 88-900972-9-9 |
665 | Germania. Frankfurt, 2017. | 978-3-96320-006-9 |
666 | Gesztelyi, Tamas. Antike Gemmen im Ungarischen Nationalmuseum. Budapest, 2000. | 963-9046-426 |
667 | Gesztelyi, Tamas. Gemmak es gyuruk Brigetiobol = Gemstones and Finger Rings from Brigetio. Tata, 2001. | 963 7110 35 6 |
668 | Gieldon, Liliana; Jankiewicz-Brzostowska, Monika. Spojrzenie na morze: malarstwo tworcow wywodzacych sie ze szkoly sopockiej: XV wystawa z cyklu "Polscy artysci o morzu". Gdansk, 2017. | 978-83-64150-23-4 |
669 | Giorgio, Marcella. Storie [di] Ceramiche 5: Tecnologie di produzione. Pisa, 2018. | 978-88-7814-933-5 |
670 | Giorgio, Marcella. Storie [di] Ceramiche 6: Commerci e Consumi. Pisa, 2019. | 978-88-7814-972-4 |
671 | Girardi-Jurkić, Vesna Vižula: skriveni svijet antike = un antico mondo nascosto. Medulin, 2011. | 978-953-7001-18-6 |
672 | Girardi-Jurkić, Vesna; Džin, Kristina; Uranić, Igor. Egipatska religija i antička Istra= Egyptian religion and ancient Istria. Pula, 2001. | |
673 | Girardi-Jurkić, Vesna; Džin, Kristina. Sijaj antičnih nekropol Istre. Pula, 2005. | |
674 | Girardi-Jurkić, Vesna; Džin, Kristina. Sjaj antičkih nekropola Istre = The splendour of the antique necropolis of Istria . Pula, 2003. | 953-6153-9-X |
675 | Girardi-Jurkić, Vesna; Džin, Kristina. Voda kao izvor života antičke Pule = Water as a source of life in ancient Pula. Pula, 2001. | |
676 | Girardi-Jurkić, Vesna. Pula. Pula, 1986. | |
677 | Giumlia-Mair, Alessandra (urednik). Ancient metallurgy between Oriental Alps and Pannonian Plain: Workshop, Trieste 29- 30 October 1998. Trieste, 2000. | |
678 | Giumlia-Mair, Alessandra. La necropoli di Misincinis: La metallurgia nell'eta del ferro. Udine, 2003. | |
679 | Giunio, Kornelija A. Ars amatoria: ljubav i erotika u starom Rimu=love and erotica in ancient Rome. Zadar, 2015. | 978-953-7484-17-0 |
680 | Giunio, Kornelija A. Ars medica et pharmaceutica: rimski medicinsko-farmaceutski instrumenti iz fundusa Arheološkog muzeja Zadar. Zadar, 2010. | 978-953-7484-08-8 |
681 | Giunio, Kornelija A. Medicamina faciei feminae: odijevanje, frizure, kozmetika i mirisi staroga Rima kroz fundus Arheološkoga muzeja Zadar = fashion, hairstyles, cosmetics and perfumes of ancient Rome as seen through the holdings of the Archaeological Museum Zadar. Zadar, 2016. | 978-953-7484-31-6 |
682 | Giuricin, Luciano; Giuricin, Ezio. Il percorso di un'eredita: la stampa della comunita nazionale nel solco della storia dell' editoria italiana dell'Adriatico orientale. Rovigno, 2017. | 978-953-7891-21-3 |
683 | Gjelstrup Bjoerdal, Charlotte; Gregory David (editors). WreckProtect: decay and protection of archaeological wooden shipwrecks. Oxford, 2011. | 978-1-905739-48-6 |
684 | Gjurašin, Hrvoje. Srednjovjekovna arheološka baština otoka Brača=Mediaeval archaeological heritage of the island of Brač. Split, 2012. | 978-953-6803-33-0 Luka Bekić |
685 | Glaeser: antike, mittelalter und neuere zeut. Sttutgart, 1977. | 3-921711-002 |
686 | Glagoljski spisi Ninske biskupije 1634.-1750. Zadar, 2020. | 978-953-331-313-9 |
687 | Glas des Alltags: aus Kueche, Keller, Wirtshaus, Handwerk, Pharmazie and Alchemie Formglas 15. bis 19. Jahrhundert der Sammlung Birgit+Dieter Schaich. Munchen, 2012. | |
688 | Glaser, Silvia. Italienische Fayencen der Renaissance. Nuernberg, 2004. | 3-926982-97-7 |
689 | Glass and Ceramics Conservation 2010. Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Working Group October 3-6, 2010. New York, 2010. | 978-0-87290-182-7 |
690 | Glavičić, Ante. Vodič po Senju i okolici. Senj, 1974. | |
691 | Glazier, Michael; Hellwig, Monika K. (priredili). Suvremena katolička enciklopedija. Split, 2005. | 953-214-250-9 |
692 | Gli Echi della terra: cultura celtica in Friuli, dati, materiali e momenti dell'immaginario, catalogo. Pisa, 2002. | 88-427-0316-8 |
693 | Gli Echi della terra: presenze celtiche in Friuli: dati materiali e momenti dell'immaginario. Pisa, 2002. | 88-4207-0315-X |
694 | Glibota, Milan. Povijest Donje Neretve i prvi Mletački katastri. Zadar, 2006. | 978-953-97482-9-1 |
695 | Glučina, Toni. Fantastična bića na spomenicima antičke Narone = Fantastic creatures on the monuments of ancient Narona. Vid, 2015. | 978-953-57084-2-1 |
696 | Glučina, Toni. Kameni spomenici darovani Arheološkom muzeju Narona. Vid, 2017. | 978-953-57084-7-6 |
697 | Gluščević, Smiljan. Antička luka u Zatonu = Ancient harbour in Zaton. Zadar, 2011. | 978-953-7484-12-5 |
698 | Gluščević, Smiljan. Antička luka u Zatonu = Ancient harbour in Zaton. Zadar, 2011. | 978-953-7484-12-5 |
699 | Gluščević, Smiljan. Podvodna arheologija. Zadar, 2019. | 978-953-331-230-9 |
700 | Goericke-Lukić, Hermine. Nekropole rimskodobne Murse= The necropolises of Roman Mursa. Osijek, 2011. | 978-953-6191-50-5 |
701 | Goldoni, Raul. Staklene skulpture=Glass sculptures. Zadar, 2012. | 978-953-7866-08-2 |
702 | Goodall, John A. A. Scarborough Castle, North Yorkshire. London, 2000. 978-1-85074-786-4 | |
703 | Gorenc, Marcel; Damevski, Valerija; Džaić, Zorica. Antičko Ladanje i rimske vile u Benkovcu i Cagama. Nova Gradiška | |
704 | Gorenc, Marcel; Vikić, Branka. Varaždinske toplice- Aquae Iasae. Varaždinske toplice, 1980. | |
705 | Goss, Vladimir P. Stotinu kamenčića izgubljenoga raja: romanička skulptura u muzejima i zbirkama između Save i Drave, Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu, 2007 = A hundred stones from a lost paradise: romanesque sculpture in museums and collections between the Sava and the Drava rivers. Zagreb, 2007. | 978-953-6789-30-6 |
706 | Gosse, Philippe. Les pipes de la quarantaine. Fouilles du port antique de Pomegues (Marseille). Oxford, 2016. | 978-1-4073-0006-1 |
707 | Gotika v Sloveniji - svet predmetov=Gothic art in Slovenia- the world of objects. Ljubljana, 1995. | 961-6169-01-7 |
708 | Goudswaard, B.; Kroes, R. A.; van der Beek, H. The late Roman bridge at Cuijk. 2000. | |
709 | Gould, Richard, A. Archaeology and the Social History of Ships. Cambridge, 2000. 978-0-521-56103-7 | |
710 | Grabherr, Gerald; Kainrath, Barbara; Schierl, Thomas (izdavač). Verwandte in der Fremde? – IKARUS 8 : Fibeln und Bestandteile der Bekleidung als Mittel zur Rekonstruktion von interregionalem Austausch und zur Abgrenzung von Gruppen vom Ausgreifen Roms während des 1. Punischen Krieges bis zum Ende des Weströmischen Reiches. Innsbruck, 2013. | 978-3-902811-99-8 |
711 | Grad Khislstein in zgodbe rodbine Khisl. Kranj, 2018. | 978-961-6478-98-4 |
712 | Grad mrtvih nad poljem života: nekropola gradinskog naselja Kopila na otoku Korčuli = The city of the dead above the field of life: necropolis of Kopila hillfort on the island of Korčula . Zadar, 2017. | 978-953-7866-60-0 |
713 | Gradina Vrčin = Castelliere di Monte Orsino. Pula, 2015. | 978-953-6153-95-4 |
714 | Gradivo za povijest istočnoga Jadrana u ranom novom vijeku = Fontes spectantes historiam adriatici orientalis priscae aetatis recentioris 58. Zagreb, 2018. | 978-953-347-184-6 |
715 | Gradivo za povijest istočnoga Jadrana u ranom novom vijeku. Zagreb, 2014. | 978-953-154-276-0 |
716 | Graduate program in Cultural heritage management. Adelaide, 2012. | |
717 | Graduate program in Maritime Archaeology. Adelaide, 2011. | |
718 | Graduate program in Maritime Archaeology. Adelaide, 2012. | |
719 | Graells, Raimon; J. Lorrio, Alberto; Camacho, Pablo. La coleccion de objetos protohistoricos de la Peninsula Iberica. 1: Broches de cinturon, placas y fíbulas. Mainz, 2018. | 978-3-88467-302-7 |
720 | Grafenauer, Bogo. Ustoličevanje Koroških vojvod in država karantanskih Slovencev. Ljubljana, 1952. | |
721 | Grande atlante di archeologia: Times-Mondadori. Milano, 1990. | 88-04-33635-8 |
722 | Grant, Michael. Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Herculaneum. London, 1974. | |
723 | Grassi, Barbara; Mangani, Claudia. Guida alla palafitta di bodio centrale o delle monete. Cremona, 2015. | 978-88-97962-44-1 |
724 | Grassi, Barbara; Mangani, Claudia. Storie sommerse. Ricerche alla palafitta di Bodio centrale a 150 anni dalla scoperta. Cremona, 2014. | 978-88-97962-35-9 |
725 | Grbovi i znakovi Velog Lošinja. Mali Lošinj, 2012. | 978-953-55837-5-2 |
726 | Grbovi: zbirka kamenih grbova: katalog izložbe . Šibenik, 2000. | 953-6844-00-1 |
727 | Green, Jeremy. Maritime archaeology: a technical handbook. Amsterdam…, 2004. | 0-12-298632-6 |
728 | Gregl, Zoran . Rimskodobna nekropola: Zagreb-Stenjevec. Zagreb, 1989. | |
729 | Gregl, Zoran; Lazar, Irena. Bakar: staklo iz rimske nekropole = the glass from the Roman cemetery. Zagreb, 2008. | 978-953-6789-38-2 |
730 | Gregl, Zoran; Škoberne, Želimir Žumberak: od prapovijesti do kasne antike. Zagreb, 2002. | 953-6789-03-5 |
731 | Gregl, Zoran. Rimske nekropole sjeverne Hrvatske = The Roman cementeries of nothern Croatia: Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu, 1997. Zagreb, 1997. | 953-96043-7-0 |
732 | Gregl, Zoran. Žumberak & Latobici: hommage jednoj planini. Zagreb, 2009. | 978-953-6789-43-6 |
733 | Grenier, Robert; Bernier, Marc-Andre Challenges facing underwater archaeology: the Red bay perspective. Amsterdam, 2001. | 90-76289-05-0 |
734 | Gri Štorga, Adriana. Tri bisera devetnaestog stoljeća iz fundusa Knjižnice Arheološkog muzeja Istre. Pula, 2018. | 978-953-8082-29-0 |
735 | Griffiths, David; Philpott A. Robert; Egan, Geoff. Meols: the archaeology of the North Wirral coast: discoveries and observations in the 19th and 20th centuries, with a catalogue of collections. Oxford, 2007. | 978-1-905905-03-4 |
736 | Grofje Celjski: katalog razstave. Celje, 1999. | 961-90488-4-9 |
737 | Groma 1: 2007 : archeologia tra Piceno, Dalmazia ed Epiro. Bologna, 2006. | 978-88-7849-024-6 |
738 | Grosses angebot an euro-Muenzen. Dusseldorf, 2003. | |
739 | Gruenewald, Mathilde. Die Gefaesskeramik des legionslagers von Carnuntum (Grabungen 1968-1974). Wien, 1979. | 3-7007-0306-9 |
740 | Gruia, Ana-Maria. Povestiri la gura sobei: catalog selectiv al colectiei de cahle a muzeului national de Istorie a Transilvaniei. Cluj-Napoca, 2012. | 978-606-543-248-2 |
741 | Guaitoli, Maria Teresa; Marchetti, Nicolo; Scagliarini, Daniela. Scoprire. Scavi del dipartimento di archeologia. Bologna, 2004. | 88-900972-6-4 |
742 | Gudelj, Ljubomir. Crkvine, Cista Velika. Split, 2011. | 978-953-6803-30-9 |
743 | Gudelj, Ljubomir. Gradine u Imotskoj krajini. Split, 2016. | 978-953-6803-44-6 |
744 | Gudelj, Ljubomir. Utvrda Čačvina. Split; Trilj, 2006. | |
745 | Guerrero Ayuso, Victor M.; Roldan Bernal, Blanca. Catalogo de las anforas prerromanas Cartagena, 1992. | 84-7483-870-3 |
746 | Guide to the Archaeological exibition of the Hungarian national Museum 400,000 B.C.-804 A.D. Budapest, 2005. | 963-208-895-6 |
747 | Guide to the Archaeological museum at Split. Split, 1973. | |
748 | Guleryuz, Ahmet . Kardirgadan Kalyona Osmanlida Yelken = Ottoman sailing ships from Galleys to Galleons and Miykas-i Sefain particulars of ships and their equipment. Istanbul, 2004. | 975-98677-0-2 |
749 | Gunjača, Stjepan. Ispravci i dopune starijoj hrvatskoj historiji. Zagreb, 1975. | |
750 | Gunjača, Zlatko. Arheološki spomenici šibenskog podmorja. Šibenik, 1976. | |
751 | Gunjača, Zlatko. Srima-Prižba: ostaci arhitekture i analiza građevinskih faza. Šibenik, 2005. | 953-6844-08-7 |
752 | Gusar, Karla; Ćurković, Marin. Utvrda Kličevica: rezultati arheoloških istraživanja 1990. godine. Benkovac(Zadar), 2011. | 978-953-56723-0-2 |
753 | Guštin, Mitja (uredila). Srednjeveška in novoveška keramika iz Pirana in Svetega Ivana=ceramiche medievali e postmedievali da Pirano e San Giovanni=Srednjovjekovna i novovjekovna keramika iz Pirana Svetog Ivana. Koper, 2004. | 961-90046-9-8 |
754 | Guštin, Mitja; Bikić, Vesna; Mileusnić, Zrinka. Ottoman times: the story of Stari Bar, Montenegro = Osmanska vremena: priča o Starom Baru, Crna Gora. Koper, 2008. | 978-961-6328-62-3 |
755 | Guštin, Mitja; Ettel, Peter; Buora, Maurizio . Piceni ed Europa: atti del convegno. Udine: Koper, 2007. | 88-88018-41-7 |
756 | Guštin, Mitja. Bertoki-Bonifika pri Kopru. Ljubljana, 2012. | 978-961-6420-89-1 |
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