• Božidara Petranovića 1, Zadar
  • Phone: +385 (0)23/551-175
  • E-mail: info@icua.hr
  • Working hours: Pon. - Pet. 8.00 - 16.00
Home News Article

Successful Museum Night event at the ICUA Zadar Gallery

Successful Museum Night event at the ICUA Zadar Gallery

The famous Museum Night event was also marked by the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar this year. On this night, the newly renovated building and theGallery of underwater archeology and maritime history was opened. The exhibition, which depicts the selection of findings from ICUA research,was visited by 1,313 visitors, who showed great interest in the exhibits and the stories hidden behind them. Gallery will be open in the future according to the previous announcements, and will be open daily during the summer. At the Night of Museums raffle contest, following lucky numbers were drawn:

1st ICUA T-Shirt(male M , L or XL) - 289247
2nd ICUA T-Shirt (female L) - 289525
3-4. ICUA Cap - 022383 , 289926
5.-6. Multipurpose knife ICUA 289222, 022435
7th-8th Book Luka Veštar - Der Hafen von Veštar - 289434 , 022446

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