• Božidara Petranovića 1, Zadar
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  • Working hours: Pon. - Pet. 8.00 - 16.00
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Opening of the exhibition "Archaeological research of the St. Nicholas site in Zadar in 2014."

Opening of the exhibition "Archaeological research of the St. Nicholas site in Zadar in 2014."

On the occasion of the current visit of Danish underwater archaeologists as the part of the two-year agreement on cooperation in the field of underwater archeology, on Friday, 16th of September 2016, the opening of the exhibition titled "Archaeological reserch of the St. Nicholas site in Zadar in 2014 ". Authors of the exhibition are: Roko Surić, Sime Vrkić, Luka Bekić and Mladen Pešić.
The agreement was signed between the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar (ICUA) and the Danish Agency for Culture, on 24th of October 2014 in Split. The ceremony of signing of the contract took place in the presence of the Danish royal couple, Her Majesty the Queen Margaret II., and her husband, Prince Henrik. The aim of this agreement is the exchange of ideas and mutual cooperation as well as building a network between Danish and Croatian underwater archaeologist for the purpose of further education and research, development of underwater tourism and cooperation with UNESCO.
Archaeological excavations were conducted in July and October 2014 at the church of St. Nicholas in Zadar, and were led by Luka Bekić, Šime Vrkić and Filipa Jurković Pešić. Although lacking significant finds from the prehistory and antiquity, within the architecture of the former monastery and church of St. Nicholas, important medieval and modern layer was discovered, evidenced by numerous tombs and traces of construction.
After archaeological research, a multitude of findings shall now for the first time be exposed in the Gallery of underwater archeology at the ICUA Zadar (Bozidar Petranovića 1). We invite you to join us on Friday, 16th of September at 14.00 at the opening ceremony, while the exhibition can be visited for a next few months.

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