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Conference on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, Ravello, Italy

Conference on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, Ravello, Italy

Ravello, Italy was the venue for the conference ''International Cooperation in the Protection of Underwater Cultural Archaeological Heritage: State of the Art and Prospects 30 Years after the First CUEBC Conference'', held from December 2nd to 3rd, 2024. Organized by the European University Centre for Cultural Heritage (CUEBC), the conference brought together representatives from Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, Montenegro, Malta, Bulgaria, and Croatia to discuss the current state of protection and management in underwater archaeology in their respective countries.

Opening speeches were delivered by Mayor of Ravello Mr. Paolo Vuilleumier, representative of the Secretariat of UNESCO’s 2001 Convention Mrs Krista Pikkat, Secretary of the Italian Commission for UNESCO Mr. Enrico Vicenti, National Superintendent for Underwater Cultural Heritage Mrs Francesca Romana Paolillo, and the Croatian Ambassador in the Italian Republic H.E. Mr. Jasen Mesić.

Within two days, experts in underwater archaeology and the law of the sea, together with the representatives from the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (Carabinieri TPC) and the Italian navy, shared their experiences on the protection of underwater cultural heritage during scientific panels that addressed both the present situation and future prospects.

Conference programme: https://www.univeur.org/cuebc/...

UNESCO NATCOM Italy: https://www.unesco.it/it/news/si-e...

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