• Božidara Petranovića 1, Zadar
  • Telefon: +385 (0)23/551-175
  • E-mail: info@icua.hr
  • Radno vrijeme: Pon. - Pet. 8.00 - 16.00
Naslovna Najave Najava

Call for applications: Introductory Course on the Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Finds from Underwater Environments

Datum: 10.03. - 21.03.2025. Kategorija: Tečaj konzervacije i restauracije
Lokacija: Zadar, ICUA

The Introductory Course on the Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Finds from Underwater Environments is being organized by the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar (ICUA Zadar), and it will be held in Zadar, Croatia, 10-21 March 2025.

This course is designed to provide practical and theoretical training to candidates who wish to work independently in the restoration and conservation of underwater archaeological finds on an international level.

The course will consist of practical work under the supervision of a mentor at the workshops of the ICUA Zadar. At the three main workshops that specialize in metal, ceramic, glass, and organic finds, candidates will have the chance to work on a variety of materials. ICUA Zadar staff will provide training in accordance with the course programme manual and the standards that were applicable to the ICUA/UNESCO advanced course held in 2011.

We are planning a two-week Introductory Course that will involve work in all three workshops. Upon completion of the course, candidates will be required to take an exam that covers both theoretical and practical segments. If they pass the exam, they will receive a certificate from the Centre confirming their successful completion of the specialised course for conservators/restorers of underwater archaeological finds.

Participation costs:

Introductory Course on the Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Finds from Underwater Environments

Duration: 10 working days, price: EUR 600,00

The price covers the cost of staying at the ICUA dormitory, as well as the restoration textbook, work smock, and shirt.

Applicants that do not require accommodation in our dormitory can attend the course at a discounted price.

Application process

Candidates applying are kindly requested to submit a request and their curriculum vitae (CV). Please direct applications and any questions you may have by e-mail to Antonija Jozić at ajozic@icua.hr. Deadline for application is 7th February 2025. Number of students is limited. Applications will be assessed and selected based on the professional and educational profiles as presented in the application documents. Priority will be given to experienced conservators-restorers, young professionals and students involved in conservation, safeguarding and management of cultural heritage. Letters of support from an institution that is competent in safeguarding cultural heritage will be considered an added value.

Course Programme

Introductory Course on the Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Finds

The two-week course on the conservation and restoration of underwater archaeological finds provides an introduction to conservation-restoration. During the course participants will be acquainted with work on all materials and spend a few days in each of the workshops. The training consists of a theoretical and practical segment, with the possibility of placing greater focus on a given segment, depending on the wishes, capabilities and knowledge of the applicant. In the practical segment applicants will have the opportunity to try their hand on the phases of conservation-restoration work that can be executed in the available time. Within these time constraints conducting all phases of conservation-restoration work on a single object is impossible and participants will therefore have the opportunity to work on phases of conservation-restoration work on various smaller objects. The goal of this brief course is to either acquaint participants with conservation and restoration as a method of protecting archaeological finds or to acquaint more experienced conservators-restorers with the specifics pertaining to the treatment of archaeological finds originating from wet environments.

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