XXIV SOMA - Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology

The 24th annual meeting of the Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology - SOMA was held in Udine, Italy from 2 to 4 February 2023. The Symposium was organized by the University of Udine with the support of GAMA, and the theme “Ideas that traveled by the sea” included coastal and underwater sites.
Among the representatives of the Mediterranean countries, lectures were given by the archaeologists from the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar: Mladen Pešić, PhD: ''North African import in the Eastern Adriatic underwater sites during the Roman period'', Luka Bekić, PhD: ''Roman shipwrecks on the northern shores of the island of Ist'', Roko Surić: ''Benefits of the waste – Trash and debris ballast piles from the seabed of East Adriatic'' and Maja Kaleb: ''Sparkling (under)water history of Selters Nassau bottles found in Zadar (Croatia)'' and senior restorer-conservator Zdenka Vrgoč: ''Beginning of the in situ protection of the iron cannons at Cape Franina: experimental usage of cathodic protection''.
In addition to the ICUA Zadar employees, the representatives of the Croatian Restoration Institute also participated: a senior conservator archaeologist Igor Mihajlović and a conservator archaeologist Jurica Bezak.
As in previous years, the meeting was an opportunity for scientists to exchange experiences and results of research work within the framework of interdisciplinary projects, and it was attended by experts from Greece, Egypt, Italy, Israel, Lebanon, Malta, Poland, USA, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and Great Britain.
At the proposal of the Organizing Committee, the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar was given the honor of being the next host of the 25th SOMA Jubilee Symposium planned for 2024.
Additional information can be found at the following links: