Visit of the representatives of the Chinese National Centre of Underwater Cultural Heritage to ICUA Zadar, 14th – 16th April 2019

Within the Year of Culture and Tourism between the Republic of Croatia and the People’s Republic of China the representatives of the National Centre of Underwater Cultural Heritage (NCUCH) visited ICUA Zadar from 15 to 16 April 2019.
After the meeting with the Deputy Director of the NCUCH Mr Wang Damin and the Deputy Director of the Institute for Conservation and Restoration Mr Zhang Zhiguo, the ICUA’s employees had the opportunity to show the workshops on wood, metal and ceramics, the Gallery of underwater archaeology and the former church of St. Nicholas. Representatives of the NCUCH expressed their wish to establish direct cooperation for the purpose of exchanging experts in the field of conservation-restoration profession. Issues related to the development of joint projects in the field of underwater archaeology, exchange of exhibitions and publications were discussed. It was proposed to sign the Agreement on Cooperation between two institutions in order to agree on terms of future cooperation and details of its implementation.
The ICUA’s Director was invited to visit the NCUCH in the beginning of 2020.
The Chinese expert was invited to the international conference "Conservation and Restoration in Underwater Archaeology: Experiences, Methods and New Findings" - CRUA 2019, from 24 to 26 October 2019.
Guests from China visited Zadar's cultural institutions and the Museum of Nin Antiquities.