Signature of the Agreement for the project „Renovation of the complex of the former St. Nicholas church and monastery in Zadar“

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, accompanied by Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds Marko Pavić, Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure Oleg Butković and Director of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency Tomislav Petric handed over agreements for EU projects worth 135 million HRK on Monday, 25th May 2020 in Zadar. Grants are awarded to four development projects of the Zadar Urban Area within the ITU mechanism from the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion.

One of four grant agreements was assigned to the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar for the project „Renovation of the complex of the former St. Nicholas church and monastery in Zadar“. The grant agreement was taken by the Director of the Centre, Mladen Pešić.
During 2019, the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar applied for funding throught a call for project proposals "Renovation of cultural heritage of the urban area of Zadar", within Priority axis 6 "Environmental Protection and Sustainability of Resources", in the framework of the Operational Program "Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020". The grant application is related to the project entitled ''Renovation of the complex of the former St. Nicholas church and monastery in Zadar”, with the reference number KK.
The purpose of the project is the renovation and valorization of the complex of the former St. Nicholas church and monastery in Zadar with the aim of expanding the number of new employees in the tourism sector and increasing the expected number of cultural heritage visitors. The project will ensure the renovation of existing and construction of new premises of the ICUA Zadar, equipping and adapting them to new facilities with the primary purpose of improving the cultural, educational and scientific segment and implementing other necessary activities. The implementation of the project will contribute to sustainable tourism and economic growth through the valorization of cultural heritage.
The total project amount is 29.985.487,36 HRK, out of which is the approved grant of 25.487.664,25 HRK while the co-financing share of the Croatian Ministry of Culture of 15% is 4.497.823,11 HRK. The deadline for completion of all activities related to the project is 32 months from the date the Grant Agreement was signed.
The preparation of the project for the renovation of the complex of the former St. Nicholas church and monastery in Zadar has been running since 2014 when the Ministry of Culture, UNESCO and the City of Zadar invested almost 2.5 million HRK in the preparation of project documentation and archaeological research within this complex.
The complete project documentation was prepared by the architect Ante Uglesšić in the FORVM design office.
Zadar County Development Agency ZADRA NOVA played an important role during the ICUA Zadar documentation application process. Their team of experts will be involved throughout the duration of the project as well and will contribute with their experience to the quality implementation of the project. The programme/activity ZADRA NOVA ZA VAS (ZADRA NOVA FOR YOU) facilitates the Agency's involvement in this project through which the staff engagement is financed while the preparation and implementation services do not create a financial burden for the applicant and the partner.
Zadar City Tourist Board is a partner in this project and will actively participate in the promotion and visibility of the project itself.