Polish restorers visiting ICUA Zadar

From June 12 to 16, 2023, we had the honor of hosting restorers from the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk. This return visit is the result of cooperation based on the project "Polish-Croatian exchange of experiences within the framework of the UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage" and the Partnership Agreement signed by ICUA Zadar and the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk in 2022. The project is co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within the "Inspiring Culture" program.
It was an opportunity for restorers to share their theoretical and practical knowledge and exchange experience in the field of conservation and restoration of underwater archaeological materials. For this purpose, a whole series of professional lectures were held, which, although intended for restorers, were also opened to the general public.
In addition to lectures and a tour of the ICUA restoration workshops, with colleagues from Poland we visited the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Ancient Glass in Zadar. We introduced fellow restorers to the issue of the Condura Croatica boats re-conservation project, which they had the opportunity to see in the Museum of Nin Antiquities. We also visited the archaeological collection, the restoration workshop and the archaeological site in Burnum, and concluded a productive and interesting week with a visit to the Mašković Han in Vrana.