• Božidara Petranovića 1, Zadar
  • Phone: +385 (0)23/551-175
  • E-mail: info@icua.hr
  • Working hours: Pon. - Pet. 8.00 - 16.00
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Participation in the environmental event “Daj ruku za čiste Jazine”

Participation in the environmental event “Daj ruku za čiste Jazine”

ICUA's employees participated in the environmental clean-up campaign "Daj ruku za čiste Jazine", which took place in Zadar on September 2, 2023, organized by the "Sveti Roko" Diving Club from Bibinje and the Technical Culture Community of Zadar County. The event was also participated by Zadar Astronomical Association, Aeroclub "Zadar", CB Radio Club "Donat", Radio Club Zadar, Kanata Association for Research and Protection of Maritime Heritage, Čistoća d.o.o. Zadar and the City Society of the Red Cross Zadar.

In addition to cleaning the seabed, the environmental event included the presentation of citizens' associations, various workshops and a photo exhibition. ICUA employees presented the Centre and the activities carried out in the institution - from the research of underwater archaeological sites, conservation and restoration to educational and publishing activities. Also, our archaeologists participated in diving activities and cleaning of the Jazine bay seabed. Participation in this event proved to be a perfect opportunity to popularize the idea of protecting underwater cultural heritage among the general public.

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