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Lecture on research of the Suleiman's bridge

Lecture on research of the Suleiman's bridge

An expert lecture about research of Suleiman's bridge in Darda was held in the premises of the ICUA Zadar on 24.4.2012 for the representatives of Turkish ministry of culture and tourism, Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), the Turkish Embassy and the Croatian experts. The research of this important archaeological site was run for the last several years by Mladen Pešić of ICUA Zadar, in cooperation with the Croatian Conservation Institute. Turkish-Croatian delegation has also examined the wooden parts of the bridge which are located in the Department for conservation and restoration of underwater finds in Zadar. In addition, Anastazija Magaš-Mesić, Head of Conservation Department in Zadar, gave a presentation of research and restoration of Maškovića Han in Vrana.

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